Meet your automated product security engineer

Pixeebot fixes vulnerabilities, triages findings, hardens code, squashes bugs, and gives engineers more time to focus on the work that counts.

Github Pull Request showing automatic PRs from pixeebotGithub Pull Requests automated by pixeebot
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Continuously ship high quality code

Pixeebot goes with the flow. As your engineers or AI-copilots do their thing, Pixeebot monitors your repositories and pull requests, providing high quality fixes instantly.
SQL injection refactor PR from pixeebotPixeebot summon feature screenshot
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Work the way you want to

Pixeebot acts like a member of your team. It follows your workflow and re-writes your code without interrupting your productivity or focus in your IDE. Get the full experience with the GitHub app or start by using it locally via CLI.
Supported SCMs
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Trim down your backlog

Security tickets can pile up. Let Pixeebot take care of security-related code improvements. Give your engineers more bandwidth by automatically turning your code scan results into a PR to merge.
Image should automated vulnerability remediation by pixeebot based on results from other code scanners
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Triage your scan results

Code scanners generate a LOT of findings. Let Pixeebot review the results from your SAST tools to provide expert security context and recommended action. Save your teams from repetitive and time-consuming effort wading through noise, and help them focus directly on real issues instead.
Automated triage of Sonar findings by Pixeebot
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Security is just the start

Pixeebot also knows how to improve performance and make other code quality fixes. You can even use the open source Codemodder framework to build your own codemods and tap Pixeebot to deploy them.
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♥️ for Pixee

Building a secure product is tough, but secure code isn’t a one-time thing: you have to continually be working on it. Sure, detecting vulnerabilities is part of the challenge, but Pixeebot’s approach of proactively and continually fixing vulnerabilities is really the future.
Boyd Hemphill
Boyd Hemphill
DevOps Leader, Tackle
Tools that don't offer solutions where engineers are best equipped to evaluate and implement them will go the way of the dinosaur.
In today's fast-paced tech environment, it's simply not fair to overwhelm developers with a barrage of security concerns without providing them the means to address them effectively. Pixee has crafted a solution for automated code remediation that seamlessly integrates into the natural flow of software development. Their work has brilliantly translated their vision of simplified code safety into a reality that promises to extend far beyond security.
Alex Rice
Alex Rice
CTO/Founder, HackerOne
Security doesn't have to slow down innovation. Pixee understands this essential truth. Developers, here's a tool that will align with your pace.
Male Silhouette
Navnit Kumar
Software Engineer
Pixeebot is like a fantastic tool. I showed this tool to one of my senior friends. We tested their repository and he was so excited… This tool automatically did a code review & gave a suggestion and also raised a merge request. The tool did everything…
Dilip Ramachandran
Dilip Ramachandran
Shifting security left is a good thing, but we have shifted so much left, onto developers' plates, that we are now asking them to do too much. They are not security experts and they need tools like Pixeebot to secure their code.
Zach Carroll
Zach Carroll
Java Engineer
I first realized how powerful pixeebot was after reviewing its first recommendation on one of our managed repos. The amount of documentation it provided in the pull request was extensive! It even gave very informative articles explaining why their change was recommended…
Brian Chess
Brian Chess
CTO/Founder, Fortify
Devs are on the receiving end of non-stop security audits and vulnerability scans that keep adding to their backlog. It's time we have a product that focuses on fixing bugs/vulnerabilities for them to eliminate some work.
Generative AI is transforming coding, unleashing unparalleled speed and creativity, yet it introduces new security challenges.

Pixeebot effortlessly identifies and fixes security issues, without slowing down this new approach to development.
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Get started with Pixeebot today.

Pixeebot provides immediate and constant fixes to make your code more secure. It’s like having a security-expert developer on your side. All for free.

Let's go